In Process, Ep. 12: Drain Creates Contemplative Glitch Portraits with Data Sonification
Learn how @draincain uses data sonfication to create contemplative glitch portraits.
Learn how @draincain uses data sonfication to create contemplative glitch portraits.
Learn how @LotteZ13 combines analog and digital mediums using glitch and lino cutting.
Learn how @_viscous uses retro-style 3D modelling software to create bootleg digital toys.
Learn how @ParticulaStella turns 3D renders into a glitchy commentary on mortality, combining analog and digital tools.
Learn how @notjamesmurphy uses custom Javascript and Propellerhead’s Reason to create a generative audio/visual piece.
Learn how @ina_vare channels romanticism and rationality through analog video processors to create an emotive piece of video art.
Learn how @letsglitchit uses circuitbending to turn a “children’s digital camera” into a tool for capturing their work.
Learn how @maxcapacity uses VHS tapes, a dirty mixer and a chroma key to create the mesmerising N0258X.
Learn how @aebrer visualizes organic phenomena using Pico-8 and custom Lua code.
Learn how @damnartjunkie turns folded paper and custom cutouts into a glitchy digital collage.