In Process, Ep. 12: Drain Creates Contemplative Glitch Portraits with Data Sonification
Learn how @draincain uses data sonfication to create contemplative glitch portraits.
Learn how @draincain uses data sonfication to create contemplative glitch portraits.
Learn how @LotteZ13 combines analog and digital mediums using glitch and lino cutting.
Learn how @_viscous uses retro-style 3D modelling software to create bootleg digital toys.
Learn how @ParticulaStella turns 3D renders into a glitchy commentary on mortality, combining analog and digital tools.
Learn how @notjamesmurphy uses custom Javascript and Propellerhead’s Reason to create a generative audio/visual piece.
Learn how @ina_vare channels romanticism and rationality through analog video processors to create an emotive piece of video art.
Learn how to create your first NFT on the popular Tezos based marketplace teia.
Learn how @letsglitchit uses circuitbending to turn a “children’s digital camera” into a tool for capturing their work.
Learn how @maxcapacity uses VHS tapes, a dirty mixer and a chroma key to create the mesmerising N0258X.
Learn how @aebrer visualizes organic phenomena using Pico-8 and custom Lua code.